1 month in, thousands more to go

Recovery is a process. It takes time. It takes patience. It takes everything you've got.Anonymous I am now a month post-op, and I can certainly say that I feel much better than my previous post. My pain is manageable, swelling has gone down significantly, and I am in a way better mental space. I am... Continue Reading →


I'm back! Today is first post back blogging and I'm happy to finally share what the past week has been like. As I have said in multiple times in previous posts, this surgery was in the making for 11 years. Being rejected by dozens of dental schools, hospitals, and private oral surgeons, I lost hope... Continue Reading →

Packing my hospital bag

You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.Margaret Thatcher Having surgery is one of the most stressful events you can prepare yourself for. Outpatient surgeries can be even more stressful. If you have had many surgeries like me, I have learned what is necessary to bring whether if surgery was... Continue Reading →

Surgery Consultation

Surgery is only 8 days away and that's crazy to think! It seemed as if time has just flown by! I never thought I would see the day of jaw reconstruction being only 8 days away! It is a miracle and a blessing. I'm overjoyed and I'm enjoying eating whatever I can for the remainder... Continue Reading →

Meet my man

In my 5th grade class, there were only twelve students and I felt like everyone were brothers and sisters because I grew up with them since we were in Kindergarten. Yet, there would be the beginning of the school year that there would be new students who would come into our classroom and it was... Continue Reading →

Year in review

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a happy holiday and a very happy new year! I'm glad to have time to write my first entry of 2019! I thought it would be appropriate to reflect on 2018. 2018 was an eventful year for me. A lot of stuff happened and it was one of... Continue Reading →

It’s Finally Happening!

Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about.Winston Churchill In March of 2008, I was 13 years old and was not aware that I was about to embark on an eleven year, never-ending, emotional roller coaster ride. In 2008, I was seen by an oral surgeon at Cincinnati Children's... Continue Reading →

Angels and Saints

I'm a firm believer in guardian angels. I believe my great grandparents are my guardian angels and watch over me and are with me at all times. They make sure that I'm okay and safe and that nothing ever happens to me even if they aren't with me physically. Saints, on the other hand, I... Continue Reading →

OI Week Day 3

OI isn't just about lack of collagen and broken bones; there are other health issues that are associated with OI. OI affects the part of the body that deals with connective tissues which may result in other health conditions. These include respiratory issues (asthma), easy bruising, Dentinogenesis Imperfecta, fatigue, short stature, chronic pain, loose joints/muscle... Continue Reading →

DI Part 2

School became stressful and I had to but off going back longer than I anticipated. I made an appointment scheduled for December of my sophomore year of high school. Two weeks prior, I had already had an appointment scheduled to see my geneticist. I wanted to see if he had any ways of another way... Continue Reading →

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